1. Grow in intimacy and relationship with God.

  2. Develop and initiate personalised strategies and regular practices that lead to sustainable spiritual growth. 

  3. Identify and eliminate (or set an elimination strategy in place) barriers to spiritual growth.


SDC coaching begins with a one off 1 hour session. The purpose of this session is to discover the personal spiritual goals of the individual being coached, talk through the overall framework of a coaching season (explained below), and to gather information necessary for the coach (Matt lansdowne) to develop an initial personalised coaching plan for the coaching season. Upon mutual agreement from both the coach and the one/s being coached we will then commit to a ‘coaching season’. 


A coaching season is a 2 month time frame where the coach and you (the one/s being coached) are mutually committed to the coaching process within that season. Within the season we will prayerfully work through developing practices and strategies that empower your spiritual development. Included in the 2 months will be 5 x 1 hour personal zoom sessions. Each zoom meeting will include discovery (finding out what God is doing within you), development (I will coach you in YOU  making a plan for your next steps of your spiritual development), and action (you will have action steps to implement after each session).

In addition to the - typically bi weekly - zoom meetings, I will provide communication, encouragement, some resources, and accountability throughout the weeks, as determined through the coaching process.

Contact me on for pricing and to book a session